Welcome to Snarkfest

Welcome to my snarky corner of the web. Join me as I discuss everything from wine to chocolate. There may be a few other topics mixed in there too. I talk a bunch about my amazing offspring, 24 and 21. I sometimes go on and on about my secret crush on the amazing Mike Rowe. I talk about things that irritate me or things that make me happy. Sometimes I just talk to hear myself talk. Feedback is always appreciated but please make sure it's respectable. No nudity or profanity. I'm the only one allowed to be profane. But any and all snark is welcome and appreciated!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday Tirade.......Hollywood edition

Holy crap! Did you hear!? Robin Thicke and Paula Patton are divorcing!! Oh my God! Who cares?! Seriously. I would've left him after he dressed up like Beetlejuice, but whatever. Did I think he actually had anything to do with the whole Twerking-Miley circus? No. That was all on her. But his outfit for those awards shows? **shudders!!!

I care more about the fact that Harold Ramis died than I do about a celebrity couple breaking up. I hate that crap. Harold Ramis was pure comic genuis. Who didn't love Egon Spengler? Who didn't crack up at Animal House? He was a master and now, he's gone. THAT hits me more than Hollywood couples splitting.

I could NOT care any less about Kim and Kanye, Brad and Angelina, Jen and Ben, Gwyneth and what's-his-name. Could NOT care any less. You know what I think is cool? Jennifer Lawrence, because she DOESN'T take herself too seriously. It's called self-deprecation and it's an awesome quality to possess.

Being able to laugh at yourself is such a wonderful thing. It puts those around you at ease and IN MY OPINION, makes people enjoy being with you. Who doesn't like to laugh? I think that's one of the reasons I find George Clooney and Tom Hanks so damned sexy. They make people around them laugh, they don't take themselves too seriously and they are outspoken against causes without making people want to vomit.

What is the point of this post? I don't really know. I'm not sure where I'm going with it other than to vent about yet another Hollywood marriage breaking and how little I care when there are so many other MORE IMPORTANT things going on in the world that deserve to be in the headlines.

For example, Snuffles the double-nosed pup has been adopted! Go Snuffles!

How about Owen Howkins and Haatchi? The boy has a genetic disorder, the dog has 3 legs.

Together they complete each other and their story is heartwarming. Seriously, I'd rather watch THIS video a thousand times than to hear ONE MORE THING about Kanye and Kim.

They say that knowledge is power, and I believe that being informed is important. But being overloaded with shit that's not important, like a couple that I've never met getting divorced, is just overkill. Too much information is NOT a good thing. It makes us cold, it makes us less likely to feel. If there were more touching stories in the media, stories like Haatchi and Snuffles, we'd be a more caring country. That's just my two cents, for what it's worth.

And look! I went a whole blog post without mentioning my pretend boyfriend Mike Rowe! Throw me a party!


  1. I want to write a really insightful comment, but I totally fell off my train of thought when I saw the photo of the two-nosed dog. So. Many. Questions.

    1. Tina I literally laughed out loud when I read that comment. I love this comment more than any thought-provoking comment you could give me.

  2. Insightful, thought-provoking comment.

    1. I see your insightful, thought-provoking comment and raise you a dog with two noses.

    2. I bet a two-nosed dawg can smell a mouse fart from a mile away.

  3. Yeah if Kim and Kanya fell off the face of the earth would they make a sound? You are so right, Robin what's his name and his whoever wife divorcing is not news its called common sense. If my husband ever EVER pulled that shit,entertainment purposes or not, he would feel like John Bobbit, only I would get smart and instead of throwing the damn thing run it through my food processor and dump It in the dumpster where it belongs! Cute kid and cute dogs. I love animals and kids.

  4. I'm with you. Wish Kanye and Kim would disappear along with her whole talentless family. Miley is a bad joke but is laughing all the way to the bank. Robin and Paula who? Sorry, I don;t listen to crappy pop music anyway. Heavy metal / hard rock guy here.

    Oh, I the loss of Harold Ramis is way more important. Grew up with his movies. He was a genious.

    1. I can see you banging your head, Phil. Even in the fancy restaurants in NYC.

  5. I don't get into Hollywood gossip at all because people are just tedious and ridiculous. But a two-nosed dog? That is news, my friend.

    And congrats on your lack of a Mike Rowe reference, as I'm trying not to mention the RIDICULOUS WEATHER AND WINTER THAT NEVER IS GOING TO END. Crap. I just did it again.

    1. I'll ignore your winter comment if you ignore my Mike Rowe comment. And yeah, dog with two noses. How Robin Thicke got more ink than Snuffles is just beyond me.


I do read all comments and try to respond to them. Unless you're trying to get me to visit your website: Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags. Then you can go pound sand.